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rating various pieces of media i do adore

this will mostly be albums, but can consist of many other things too. movies, series, books, and many more can be included within this at times.

#1 - Monarch of Monsters by Vylet Pony

WARNING: "Monarch of Monsters" contains blood/gore, murder, self-harm, suicide, nudity, sexual content, sexual assault, sexual violence, cannibalism, f-slur, and existential/cosmic horror. This pertains to its lyrics, themes, story, and artwork, and may be especially triggering to survivors of grooming and sexual assault. Parental guidance is advised for those under the age of 18, as "Monarch of Monsters" is intended for a mature audience.

Album Information : Genre - Mixed Genre. According to Monarch of Monster's Bandcamp Page, it contains elements of Electronic, Pop, R&B Rock, No Wave, Noise Rock, Post Grunge, Post Punk, Progressive Rock. To my ears this album contains elements of other genres as well, however my knowledge is limited.

Album Rating - 1000000/10 !!
Thoughts, Reflections - My favorite part of this album is how deeply it resonates with me.
"'Monarch of Monsters' is an allegory for how trauma, loneliness, and selfishness can turn you into a horrible person; it's about endeavouring to stay alive even within a terminal state of regret; how — in this regret — experiencing any happiness at all feels insincere and undeserved; about perpetuating cycles of toxicity and wickedness because it's all you've known, especially in denial of being wrong; and ultimately, learning to find purpose and self-love in that din." (Monarch of Monsters Bandcamp Page)
This hits deep for me. Deeper than any album I've ever encountered in my entire life. It's terribly, and beautifully, bittersweet. I wish I listened to this album sooner, I blew it off for a while but it's what I needed.
Favorite Song - Huntress
